There folders contain the following: Blue team's log: the observations made by the IDS operator and recordings made by the hybrid IDS system. Red tem's log: the diary of the red team and the output of their activities (scans etc.). Network traffic: recordings of the network traffic in the exercise. Machine logs: syslog and windows event logs (N.B. The archives also contain other files which are irrelevant). Snort's output: the output produced by the snort-part of the hybrid IDS. zabbix's output: the output produced by the zabbix part of the hybrid IDS. System documentation: documentation of machines etc in the targeted networks. The folders contain some extra meta-information written in .txt files. However, since it is difficult to know which parts of this data that a user of the dataaset is interested in, it is described on a high and general level of abstraction. If you are in need of clarifications, or other details, please contact: or